Ok...how about this one....

In June I had no job. My grandmother was very sick and passed away. 2 weeks (yes WEEKS) later we got a call that we needed to get to the hospital...my stepdad was being medflighted over....had had a heart attack earlier that morning (3 or so) and had been shocked multiple times....when we got to the hospital he was on life support (I had never seen that in person.....its a very difficult sight to see...no ER gives it no justice)...well...he had another heart attack while we were in the room...he was pretty much gone anyway but after the second one he passed away. About 2-3 weeks later I had to have gall bladder surgery...during this 6 week time period (including recup time after the surgery) I had no job and we were struggling big time)...I had been sending my resume out left and right w/ no response....finally (because I posted my resume online) someone found my resume, called me, and now I have an excellent job (pay not the greatest but atmosphere MORE than makes up for that). On top of all that my husband and I got married in April of this year....needless to say its been HARD losing 2 extremely close family members....

01 Cougar Sport - Dark Shadow Gray "Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow." LB&RB