Problem solved... Now before that door smacks ya on the way out. Sell your SVT to someone who'd actually appreciate it.

Which problem was solved?

Are you admiting to being an "A-Hole"?

See, I knew it all along.

Over 5,000 posts?

Man, you need to get out more.

Find a nice girl...or not...and enjoy life instead of staring into a freaking computer screen.

You're better than this..aren't you?

As far as selling the car, its my therapy.
It helps to keep my insanity in check otherwise who knows, I might sit in front of a computer flaming other users in the name of defending the group.

I hear that the Mazda 6, (Jap-anese), is a whole lot like the Contour...
It is after all a Ford...Jap-anese and all.

The Drake Equation States: N = R* fp ne fl fi fc L Meaning That There Is A Good Chance That We Are Not Alone.