Originally posted by louisw:
How about these:
Originally posted by Contour.org Rules:

7. Posting just to raise your post count (aka post whoring) will not be tolerated in any form. If an admin deems you are abusing your account in this manner, your post count will be zeroed and you will lose posting privileges for a period, and permanently if it is not the first time.

11. Although you may think your personal life is interesting, please don't post the intimate details. This isn't a forum for outlining the saga of your life.
Registering more than one account is not allowed and is grounds for being banned from the site.

Well, for one, after the first post, it doesn't do jack for our post counts!! And two, who posted about their personal life? I suppose if I say, HEY I WENT TO FRIDAY'S FOR LUNCH, and everybody is like, OOOOOOOHH, FRIDAY'S IS SO GOOD! Is that our intimate personal life? Or, maybe, the conversations that we had in there discussing art and other such things were intimate personal life discussions? COME ON!

There are a lot of us in the SCCEG that actually DO know each other and would like to be able to use this place as a simple place on the internet to hang out. Nothing against that in the rules!!!


I've already acknowledged that yes, I should have locked it way before 1000+ posts. In fact I should have locked it when the nude pics were posted, on account of this one:
Originally posted by contour.org rules:

1. This is not a porn or sex forum. Any topics that remotely relate will be deleted. Posting photos of barely clothed men and women is not permitted. There are those who could be fired from their job if a coworker/boss saw such photos onscreen. This can happen accidently and unintentionally if the reader is unsuspecting. All topics with such pictures will be deleted and the poster will be warned. Further abuses will be met harshly.

what I'm getting out of this: "it should have been locked earlier." ok, it's locked now. "I was lax and inconsistent about moderating" ok, I'll be follow the rules to a T.

so what's all the whining still about?

Okay, you got it there, but that's NOT the reason you locked the topic and NOT the reason you kept it locked...At least according to your POLL regarding the unlock...(which, convienently, seems to have disappeared).

And all the "whining," as you call it, seems to be stemming from what Pale Horse summed up VERY NICELY! (copied below)

Originally posted by Pale Horse:

this is no longer about the ultimate topic. this has turned into something a little more i think. it seems to me that the idea of voting on this ""unlocking"" struck a nerve somewhere with you louis. did you think that because you recieved a couple pm's thanking you, that the rest of us would sit idly by? i don't really mind the fact that you denied unlocking the thread...that's fine...but the reasons you cited were incredibly short-sighted and make no sense in conjunction with the ""guidelines"". it makes me uneasy about the fact that you are our moderator. i feel now that you will lock a thread if it doesn't meet your approval or fit into your guidelines. i'm honestly not trying to attack your personal or moral agendas...but there's gotta be something more to this than: ""because i said so"".

Yes, I baited you a little, and then apologized for the baiting, but it still doesn't change the fact that there are some questions as to the moderating in this forum...

And no, this isn't a PERSONAL thing, otherwise, I know how the PM'ing system works...As you can see, there are several people who feel the way I do!!

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