Originally posted by Pale Horse:
but the reasons you cited were incredibly short-sighted and make no sense in conjunction with the ""guidelines"". it makes me uneasy about the fact that you are our moderator. i feel now that you will lock a thread if it doesn't meet your approval or fit into your guidelines. i'm honestly not trying to attack your personal or moral agendas...but there's gotta be something more to this than: ""because i said so"".

? how many other ways can I explain it? are you purposely being obtuse for [censored] and giggles? I didn't make up these guidelines, they are explicit in the forum rules and user agreement. by registering, you agreed to the rules. you may believe it was incredibly short-sighted to lock it.. but that's not your decision to make.

you are correct in one regard: I will lock a thread if it doesn't meet my approval or my guidelines. that's what moderators do. but they're based on what's set forth in those rules, not my "personal or moral agendas."

E0 SVT, lightly modded