Originally posted by Mushu the Jokerlope:
Originally posted by lil_svtless:
wow, I thought forums WERE for bs.. I mean no offense, but they dont even make the contour anymore, so its not like there are new things to talk about day after day.. how long can you keep beating the dead horse? South Central used to be a fun place to hang.. this is just sad.. but who am I? I dont see how you are supposed to keep a group of people, who have met and are more than just creepy cyber friends to such stringent guidelines... especially when they are kept to SCCEG...

And you would be????

You are the one that posted pics of yourself in the U.T. I think brunette works best.

Last edited by PacificTourGL; 09/18/05 07:40 PM.

'98 Contour Pacific Green(Modded) http://www.cardomain.com/ride/676416 FS:'98-00 Contour front bumper.Brand new unused (Non-SVT)