Originally posted by akrump47:
OK how would the MTX computer even know whether the car was in gear or not? I dont know about ATX but this sounds false to me ...

A while back I read some extensive details about the engine computer in my '88 Thunderbird. It determined that you were coasting in gear based on the throttle position sensor, idle air control position, and engine RPM. If the throttle was closed, IAC closed, and the engine was above 1700 rpm or so, it'd deduce that you are coasting and shut off the injectors.

This was also verfied by the instant MPG readout on the trip computer, which would quickly go past 200 and then read "----". If I put it in neutral, it would drop to ~70-80 mpg or so at highway speed.

Another interesting tidbit: evidently the computer could also figure out that you were attempting to push-start an MTX car, and adjust the timing to make it easier to start.

And that was 80s technology (probably developed in the late 70s!)--makes me wonder what kinds of cool stuff our far more modern computers must take into consideration!

'99 Contour Sport V6 MTX