Originally posted by wa2tuff:

PAID 1. Mike (SHOTIME2669)
2. William Posey Jr.
3. Justin M. (teamsvtour)
PAID 4. Goonz SVT
5. Getlucky151
6. Bryan (Hdbngr8)
7. Chris (NVMYCAT)
PAID 8. Steve (NorthPoleSVT
PAID 9. Chuchurocket37
PAID 10.Tom (wa2tuff)

If you've paid, please update the post so those of us who've paid know where we're at......

?????????????????????? Once NVMYCAT and Justin pay, we're still 3 short. What's the holdup??

WA 2 TUFF SVT 2000 Tropic Green SVT Born 1/28/2000-1975 out of 2150-only 207 made. Some new pics