Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Originally posted by warmonger:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Originally posted by todras:
Originally posted by warmonger:

What!!! An aftermarket fluid without the the Ford Rating or approval...and without any qualification other than Royal Purple recommends it? Awefully brave there aren't you? I mean, That isn't saying anything more than Redline said but now its good enough?

Because they've actually tested it on an MTX-75 and can back it up. On top of Terry recommending it. I listen to the guy building my transmission.

I will also listen to my transmission builder. Same way I would listen to my attorney.

So Ok, I get the whole Idol worship thang.... but I'm giving you no points for it. I was hoping you'd have some additional information or your own ideas on the subject.

Oh, and BTW I wouldn't go there on the Attorney thing either.

Nothing to do with idol worship. I mean christ almighty you are one to talk. WTF good are my own ideas going to do for this thread. No one will listen to me on this. It seems that you are missing the whole point of MTL being closer to an EP type gear oil. I am really sick of this thread...wtf are we trying to get at now!?! !?

Also I had sh!ttier shifting with the MTL....but that was just my experience.

And as for the attorney thing...I trust BOTH my parents with anything.

So lets do some math...you have cracked your tranny about 3 times. Terry has done countless. I love what you have done with your car, but I am not going to take your advice on this matter over his. I don't care to research this BS anymore. I have better things to do.

I'm one to talk? I've supported most everything I've said with facts, questioned what I don't trust, and disagreed with things I know to be wrong. I may not be correct on all accounts but I'm waiting for the points to be proved/disproved.
Many more supporting pics besides whats on my website too.

You don't realize that I put over ten years actually servicing vehicles, with a significant part of it rebuilding ATX and MTX transmissions. Granted they were mostly GM RWD like the TH 200,350,400, 700 series, Chrysler FWD, Ford RWD like C4,6 series, Jeep MTXs, etc.
I Earned my way through college while I was in the Marine and Army Reserve before I went back to college to be an engineer and before I went back on Active Duty as an Officer. I am NOT just some young man. I've earned the right by experience to make the statements I've made.
Take it for what its worth. This isn't about Terry's qualifcations either. I know he was a Mech Eng. Thats all I know and that he now services the MTX 75. You don't 'know' any more than that either.
And by the way, you are right about not listening to you when you just parrot what someone else is saying. I mean think about it. ONLY NOW you point out you had crappy shifting with MTL? Why wait to post it? That would have been noteworthy. Sounds like you were going with the flow in those days so you kept your mouth shut; and sounds like you're going with the flow again now.
You just helped shoot your own credibility in the foot just a little bit more and now I'm going to have to discount even that little bit of information due to your lack of consistency. I didn't really want to flame anyone over this, just get to the bottom of the situation.

Former owner of '99 CSVT - Silver #222/2760 356/334 wHP/TQ at 10psi on pump gas! See My Mods '05 Volvo S40 Turbo 5 AWD with 6spd, Passion Red '06 Mazda5 Touring, 5spd,MTX, Black