Todays news...

I have some more results from the lab faxed to me this morning. I also called the lab to discuss the findings and try to establish their 'take' on the black/oxide/sludge etc. This is a potted version of the telecon and the results/comments from the lab:

MTL Sulphur content 0.5125%, FMC Sulphur content 0.3496%

Whats your take on the sulphur and additive contents?

The MTL sample appears, with the amounts of phosphorus and zinc + sulphur, to be more of an EP oil than the FMC.

Could this cause the black/oxide/paste we have seen?

It could if you match the proportions of the additives in the FMC against it.

What about the base oil type, 20W on the MTL Vs 15W/40
on the FMC?

That did catch our attention, it could be that the 20W oil has had more detergent additives used, that could explain why you have seen debris carried in suspension Vs 'dropping out' when FMC is used.

If this was your car what would you use and would you be concerned about the black etc?

OK, from what I have seen I'd agree that I would try to match the Ford lube as close as I could to any aftermarket lube before I would use it.

Could this be a 'batch' or mixing problem, some MTL batches are overdosed with additives and out of their own spec, say a QC issue??

Possible but as I said the MTL appears to be more of an EP lube than the FMC, as we don't know the ins and outs of how/who/where the MTL is blended and QC controls etc it's hard to say.

Thanks for all the info over the past weeks Ryan, I'll leave you in peace.

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