IMHO I dont see any reason yet that says MTL is definately bad. And before the MTL-haters jump my case and say "look at the pics", I did, and yes, they look bad. But there are way too many other variables here. These are excellent observations, and I do think there is serious reason for concern and its excellent we're addressing this here. But as of yet, there isn't anything that should be accepted as gospel except that Ford Honey is so far the best fluid to run, and Royal Purple Synchromax is a perfectly fine alternative (that conforms to that ford specification).

It should also be noted that so far, the only trannies to excibit this sludge are trannies that have been running MTL, but not ALL trannies that have been running MTL show this. This is what warrents further investigation before saying "MTL is the problem, its bad dont use it".

So far, according to the lab results, it would seem ATF < MTL < Ford Honey.

We need more data relating to what is actually causing that sludge.