Originally posted by xdouble:
Originally posted by todras:
Of course it will look good coming out. The sludge isn't going to pour out in it!

I don't quite follow the logic here. If the MTL is suspending the particles to clog the passages to the diff, as stated earlier, why would it look clean when coming out of the transmission?

Anywho, I went ahead and switched from MTL to Mobil 1 this week as my personal assessment of the risk outweights the $20 for fresh ATF. The fluid was drained immediately after the car had been run for a while, so the fluid was hot. In fact, the temperature was about 153F (yes, I checked.) There was no debris in the oil, though it had only been in for less than 10k miles. The color was identical to unused MTL as well.

Does this information prove anything? No, it is just more information for those who are interested. I will heed Terry's advice for the time being as there is no contesting that he has outstanding experience with this transmission.

I don't have an answer to that...you just have to look at the pictures. I drained it and the sh!t came out fine.

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