Originally posted by todras:
Answer me this then. If the MTX-75 at one time was spec'd to run ATF. Then why run MTL? States on the back of an MTL bottle..."For transmissions recommending an ATF, Red Line D4 ATF should be used." So why are people using MTL versus Redline D4 ATF?

I couldn't tell you Todd. Like I said, I'm not using the MTL, or any Redline product for that matter. My only point was that there's an awful lot of finger pointing going on in this thread, with less than substantial evidence to backup ANYONE'S claims.
I think both sides have presented very valid points, and I'm not one to go jumping on any bandwagons. This will all work itself out, and I'll be interested to see what the test results conclude.


2000 Black CSVT 3.0L Hybrid - 206fwhp & 195fwtq