Originally posted by todras:
Originally posted by rkneeshaw3.0:
Originally posted by todras:
Synthetic is so slippery it doesn't allow the synchros to spin up fast enough to make the shift.

And how is friction modifier going to help that if it makes lube MORE slippery? Do a search outside CEG. This isn't fabricated: friction modifier reduces friction.

If friction mod was so needed, why has Ford NEVER recommended it? Who HAD first recommended it you ask? Demon has, and Terry has (according to a search in the archives), but both of them with the idea that friction modifer ADDs friction. It seems that was a misconception.

Because it's a different additive and helps reduce drag so the synch's can spool up faster & engage.

You know I love you man but thats the opposite of everythign thats ever been posted on here about why friction modifier should be added. The reason given is that the synchros NEEd the friction to spin up.... This is the first I've heard of the synchros needign LESS friction...