Originally posted by pole120:
Originally posted by posthuman63t:
Keep saying "you've beaten every SVT you've raced" while you can...From a dead stop and someone who actually tries to beat ya in their svt against you 15.73@88.36 tour...your going down man...So live it up while you can.

thats exactly what i plan to do...when someone beats me, that'll be the end of my reign. Wanna de-throne me...come do it. until then, don't try to discredit my achievements. Rawbert knows he got beat fair and square.....there was no flyby and he didn't "give up" right away(if at all), anyone behind us at the light can attest to that.

i'm not Tuxsvt, or that Chubbybroccoli douche, if i lose, i admit it.

if i don't win, i dopn't claime i did.

Stopped after first gear dude...