Well I officially hate albuquerque now, my car got broken into on Tuesday morning, for those of you who didn't know I got an accord here's a pic of what it used to look like.

Anyways they stole my stereo, just a pioneer MP3/WMA and my tools. Also walked away with 2 broken windows, the drivers side and rear quarter glass on the passenger side. And scratched the paint on the drivers door when the window fell. My deductable is too high for insurance to do anything(1000 deductable thanks to my totalling of the tour 2 years ago), but that is gonna go down this April and I will bring the deductable down on the accord then.

But anyways to those that live in ABQ, I was wondering if you know any good alarm places or even how to install one and would be able to help me put one in. Thanks in advance.

Austin -officially a troll See it here Pro-Flow w/ optimizer STILL for sale