Originally posted by Y2KSVT:
Originally posted by KingpinSVT:
Well, I guess Im the first one. Im out. Too many graduations

Which is the perfect reason to come to Spring Zing! Who needs to go to more than 5 graduation parties anyway? Same people drinking the same beer, playing the same drinking games. It's not your senior prom or HS Graduation..

Dozens of graduation parties.... ONE Spring Zing....


Its not the parties. Its my college grad. the weekend before, then my sisters HS grad. the weekend of SZ, which my mom has already informed me that attendance is mandatory.

I wanted to go so badly! I was even willing to make the drive back to Florida, drop off all my crap, go to my sisters grad, the drive back to Indiana the next weekend.

If anything changes and I can go, Ill be there, no doubt.

Last edited by KingpinSVT; 11/03/05 08:52 PM.

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