My name was mentioned already , but I'll throw in my 2�¢ .

First off , I'll say that I REALLY want to make it to SZ-06 - it will be my 4th Spring Zing . I always have a good time , even if I have to drive 10-11 hours to get there . Some of the locals had last minute issues & couldn't attend SZ-05 , so "our" SZ attendence was a bit off . It was out of MY control - I kept up MY end of the bargain , I was there !

As for Carlisle , it's ALWAYS the first weekend in June . I work my arse off to get (quasi-local) people together for the Carlisle show , and getting our club tent , getting the food organized , yada-yada . You know where I'm going with this . We bring out 25+ CEGers each year for our local/east coast get together , and I'm not planning on '06 being any different . I'll be pushing for Carlisle attendence as usual .

IMHO , I'm with Todd - I think June is too late for Spring Zing . Didn't Spring Zing start out as a "reason" for people to dust-off their rides for the season & have a get-together ?? IIRC , wasn't SZ-02 the most-attended SZ to date & wasn't it held in April ?? I'm not saying we ought to have it in early April or something , but if it must be the first week of the month , let's do it the first weekend of May . I know people will be at school & whatnot , but it's worked out in past years .

Like I said , I REALLY want to make SZ-06 , but if it's the first weekend of June , I will be at Carlisle . I can't speak for every "local CEGer" , but I believe they will also . I have no problem driving 10-11 hours to go to SZ and then turn around a couple weeks later and drive an hour or so to get to the Carlisle show . But if I have my choice , I'll drive an hour to get to the local show that I'm pimpin' .

Bring on SZ-06 , but gimme a chance to make it #4 !

~~~~~~~ Phil Black & Tan 2000 SVT Contour #2137 of 2150 35,000 miles & counting !