Not necessarily (I can't spell). The more boost you push doesn't not equate (typically) to HP increase. With More boost = more s/c rpms = more heat. Unless you have a way to maintain the air intake temps at a reasonable level the boost will eventually loose it's effectiveness and other this may happen.

for the Lightning world, comparing a 4# lower pulley and a 6# lower pulley, you gain more torque, but the HP gain just isn't there. Why? Because of the heat created from spinning the blower so friggin fast in the upper RPMs......

Bottom line is, you can't just go shoving an ungodly amount of boost down X engine and expect Xsquared results. It's a system and the right pieces need to be in place...

Originally posted by ButtonPuncher:
If you double the pressure, you double the power.


Ryan Trollin!