Just funny you mention that you just bought the car a few weeks ago...same thing happened to me....got the car cheap, because I think the seller was informed of the problem by some shop, and the cost to fix it...so he unloaded it on me. I test drove the car and it ran fine, he easily dropped his price by $400.00 without a comeback. About 3 weeks later my wife said the car was making a noise when you start it. I went out and tried it and it started fine...told her its nothing and works ok. She told me again in another week or so...its still making a noise in the morning when she starts the car. Next day I tried to start it myself...whirring sound and it got worse as time progressed. Then it went downhill from there. Jerk sold me his daughters car who moved to Australia is what he said...more like a bunch of BS...he knew what was wrong when he sold it. I fixed it up, and it only had 80,000k on it...two days work with myself and brother and its been great ever since...135,000k and runs like a champ. I know this car inside out now, and you just have to keep up on the little things and quirks and I love the handling and power it has.