I can tell you that this is what happens just prior to the teeth both on the starter and the flywheel getting chewed up. The flywheel teeth do not mesh properly on these cars. And over time fail prematurely. Ford has a new updated flywheel that has chamfered edges for better engagement and no binding and grinding. I would replace the starter first, but visually inspect the flywheel closely when you have the starter off. Look for uneven or rounded teeth on the flywheel. If the new starter grinds after you install it...then be prepared for major work, or major dollars to spend to replace that flywheel with a new one. "DO NOT" buy an aftermarket flywheel. Get the Ford updated one. It cost me $80.00 Canadian. Big job to change it. I have learned more about my car changing that dam thing...believe me...if you dont have tools and patients better get a shop to do it.I hope for your sake...your right and its just the starter. If you replace it, and it starts acting up again you will know the flywheel is shot.