Originally posted by Pepse:
I got my TSS Friday and WAS going to replace it today (Sat.) but it does not want to leave the tranny. I used the link to the FWD Cougar website and it is said that it is a 10 to 15 minute job. NOT. It states you need a pair of locking pliers (i.e. visegrips) and to lock on and twist as you are pulling it out. I can't seem to get a grip on the old TSS and I am afraid to try real hard, because I am afraid it will break; being plastic with a metal bracket. Unless I am suppose to kinda crush the old TSS to get the right grip. Is there any other tool that might work??

Later. Pepse.

Look up my old post in the transaxle forum. search on subject: TSS from hell


An ounce of prevention provides a pound of cure!