So I told my lady friend I'd change the drivers side axle in her 95 Mystique (V6, auto, driver side axle) this weekend. What exactly am I getting into? Any tips or suggestions? I've got all kinds of automotive service experience, but 99% of it is on Subarus- this is my first time ever wrenching on a Ford. I've changed about a dozen Subaru axles, but this job is quite a bit different than one on a Soob...

Anyone got some advice so I don't end up spending most of my day on this? Would prefer to get it done as quickly and easily as possible. Also really need to know how to remove the axle from the transmission, as I've never actually worked on an axle that goes INSIDE the tranny- Subaru axles just slip over little axle stubs sticking out of the side of the trans, and I can already tell this one is nothing like that.