Originally posted by todras:
Originally posted by TourDeForce:

Bill Jenkins Rulz! But now that he's not with a dealer, I'll have to change my sig.

He went to another dealer.

Yes I am now with Team Ford. A much nicer dealership. We carry SVT (when they come out again), Roush, and of course the OEM stuff. This place is leauges above Signature in mamy ways, but backwards in others. It will still take me a little while to get everything up and running smoothly, but I will and hope to have a more efficent setup than at Signature.

Bill Jenkins
Team Ford
5445 Drexel Rd.
Las Vegas, NV 89130

I will have a new online parts counter soon, along with a new 800 #.

Bill Jenkins Team Ford, Internet Parts Dept. 5445 Drexel Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89130 CLICK HERE to order parts Ford parts at wholesale prices