Originally posted by Goonz SVT:
got an e-mail from FCO stating that Bill is changing dealerships..anyone else get this?

That's right boys and girls, I will be upping a whole new Internet Parts Dept. This dealership is giving me a budget and everything. I have not had this type of oppurtunity before. I hope to get my old Internet Director job back as well. When the new owners came in at Signature they screwed me over big time. I knew it was only a matter of time before I had to leave. The took away my Mngmt position and I had to take a cut in pay. All from a guy that could not even send an Email if his life depended on it.

I will make a major post about everything when I arrive at the new dealership. I hope to have a more streamlined business with some special CEG discounts since you guys have been my best customers over the years.

I also plan on branching out to the Mustang, F150, Focus, and all Ford makes as part of expansion.

Remember, your discount applies to ALL Ford and L/M vehicles.

Bill Jenkins I am moving to Team Ford as of 08/01/05 (www.teamfordlv.com). I will post new info when it's ready.