Originally posted by LocoSCZ:
Originally posted by 99contourdriver:
Loco: I know an ATX Zetec isn't an excuse...but i'm not willing to spend the money and s/c or turbo it cause it's my daily driver. I want a car i can mod the [censored] out of and not have to worry about it being beaten on every day. Kinda like a cruisin car/weekend fun car/show quality car...idk...I want something with a little more clout than an ATX zetec...no offense. I love my car, but there's only so many mods i can justify doing to this car.

Josh: Yeah, we can go look at that car. Hopefully this one ain't a piece of crap like that Red GL ....lol...Sounds like a plan. Idk..i'm almost done paying off this car and hope to do so by the end of the year, then it's time to save for a CSVT/98 or 99 Mustang Cobra 5sp. Depends on cost and insurance. Don't take what i posted yesterday personally. I was just jealous on Sunday already and then to see you posted about it made me really jealous...lol...ah well.

My car is a daily driver.

I know yours is your daily ride. You've also had compression probs and such. I dont want to hafta worry bout that...even tho i only have 68k on the clock, idk..we'll see what happens....

A Contour is not just a car, it's an experience 99 T-Red SE Zetec ATX Born April 16, 1999 98 E0 Silver Frost CSVT #3175/3565 Born August 21st, 1997 Stored at P.R.T. for the winter 67 Mustang 289 project car