Originally posted by Ray:
shouldn't buyers be able to read opinions?


Well Ray, yes. I do agree with you on that one. Unfortunately CEGers are not mature enough to handle OPINIONS with out freaking out and name calling. Also, sometimes they lack the maturity to actually just state the problems.

What should be "Well, I had a really tough time getting the hood to fit correctly. All of the gaps are too large. The fit quality leave lots to be desired" Turns into "This flaming piece of dog [censored] [censored] sucks! I spent all [censored] day trying to get this piece of [censored] to fit, blah blah blah."

And someone will respond with "We all told you that hood looks horrible, why would you waste your money on that pile? You're a dumbass for not listening to everyone!" And is responded to with "I posted pics only for people who want to tell me how sweet my car is now. If you dont like it, STFU and I hope you get raped by a gorrilla you piece of [censored]!"

Thats why!

This thread is off track already, and is partly my fault. Im done, if anyone cares to chat I accept PMs!

#4559 of 6535 born on Feb 17, 1998 Black 1998.5 CSVT FOR SALE [cleaning house]: SVT rear swaybar. Reasonable offer and its yours!