Originally posted by Ray:
I happened to be AT sea level with my 10.25 (or whatever it actually is) for over 2 years. Does that mean that I am defying logic?

Personal insults directed at the entire community (familiar with decimel/math, etc) are not the ways to get us to listen to, accept, or even talk about your "theory" there.

I suggest returning to whatever "shop" you came from, reading up a little bit, and returning when you can intelligently discuss whatever thoughts you may have, instead of insults..


Well, you were the first one to jump all over my arse about my "theory" and file it away under "whatever". Pretty rude about it too, so how do you get off tellin me who to insult and who not to?

AGAIN, I did not say you would blow your motor if you ran pump gas with 10:1 compression, I said any more than 9.8 you need to THINK about running a better grade of fuel. Again, 9.8 is pretty close to 10, I guess you still havn't got that part. That is why Ford did't build more than 10:1 compression into your engine. Or could they not get timing to handle any more compression?