Yes I have the power plug and it works. Turns on and makes a constant spinning noise. Not like it's processing, just starts up and keeps "spinning"

I think it's a USB problem... I think.

I also have a small 1GB portable harddrive which plugs directly into the USB port and in My Computer shows right up and you can access it. No problem before I got this other tool, BUT now when I plug that same 1GB drive in the USB port it's detected, but again I can't see it's drive designation in My Computer any more.

I tried just removing all the USB stuff from CP and redetecting them to clear any stuff in there, but no effect.

When I plug the 1GB drive in, in control panel is shows USB mass storage device with a green question mark by it. So it knows it's there, just doesn't know what the heck it is.

Like I said, not the end of the world if I can't access the other drive. I sure hope it isn't fried. Without a motherboard a hard drive will just spin right up correct?

"Fear is the little death." Muadib.