Originally posted by Y2KSVT:
Some of us appreciate AMERICAN companies making products for us in AMERICA. I also like the fact that MSDS took the time to consider us(sort of like Morette is right now), and made us a product that nobody else really does(SHM Headers are no longer produced). It wasn't too difficult for Weapon R to come in and make a replica of MSDS's design, was it? How many people will be talking crap about Morette in 2 years when some foreign company steals their design, and sells their product for $200.00/set?



Do you remember when Sylvania TV's used to be made in America? I do. Their motto: "The Sylvania Superset. The most expensive television in America; but it's worth it!"

I literally remember this motto from when I was really little, 5 or 6 years old.
Want to know how many TV's are made in USA now? NONE. It was NONE by the late 80's.
Quality, patriotism, whatever. It always takes a back seat to price as long as they function and quality is even somewhat similar.
Hey, I can say this because I put $600 into Marty's pocket back in the day. I needed another set of headers to experiment with and cut up and a cheaper set was just what the doctor ordered.
I will be the first to tell you that they are NOT identical replicas although they are very similar.
I can think of many things that were invented here and copied in Japan. Any of you boycot buying cameras these days?

Former owner of '99 CSVT - Silver #222/2760 356/334 wHP/TQ at 10psi on pump gas! See My Mods '05 Volvo S40 Turbo 5 AWD with 6spd, Passion Red '06 Mazda5 Touring, 5spd,MTX, Black