ok while I see your point, its possible that they didnt have the funds to have extra trophies to set up the extra classes this year. Not sure just guessing. I can tell you from a judges standpoint(i judge IndyTruckBash) that you never know until the day of awards how many cars you have of each class. Also shows will not break down every little aspect of a model of a car until they see that this particular vehicle has been to shows more and more. For example, when are show comes around this year, i guarentee that at least 3-5 Dodge Magnums will roll thru, but they will not have a separate class due to the fact that they are so new and you just dont see many of them around for car shows(i've only seen two this year and i've been to at least a dozen shows around the midwest and south this year). now if the magnums start to increase in numbers, we will create a class for it. some shows like to keep a smaller group of classes for some odd reason, i find alot of times my Acura Integra is in the same class as Honda Civics, but Honda Preludes and Accords are together in another class, doesnt make sense when Integras have been around alot for along time and it still happens. Give it time, the class could be broken down more as time goes on, just need a strong showing every year. hope that sheds some light on this.

Mike 99' Silver CSVT 95' Silver Acura Integra www.latest-craze.com