Originally posted by The EX- Striped SVT:

Yeah, enough of the damn BS If this meet turns out to be a dud because of all the "your momma stuff", it will more than likely be my last!

If a little preliminary fun kills a big meet like this then all hope is truly lost. I may as well stay in SD.

But oh no, that won't happen. I'm workin' mojo on all ends, this will be a meet to remember. Remember Rog when you were saying something about putting the band back together?

Here's the scope on the wheel: As long as the scratches aren't all over the car then it can be done pretty quickly. It's when you have to do a hard buff job on the whole car that it takes time. Also, a darker colored car will take longer, simply because you can't really buff out one section without doing the whole thing; using a high speed wheel will actually make that much difference and the result would be a single section that looks like fresh paint with the rest of the car looking dull by comparison.

So, for the wheel portion, I recommend a lighter colored car that may have a few scratches but not be covered in them. A quick two-step with foam pads and wet sandpaper shouldn't take more than a hour tops.

-Chris 93 ATX SHO Ultra Red Evil ATX clone to Todras 91 SHO plus black/black, work in progress http://www.tri-statesho-svt.org