With the amount of cars at this meet (keep in mind that there will be a good SHO contingent as well ) as well as the amount of stuff to do, perhaps it would be best to keep the tech seminars to a minimum. I'm game for a detail seminar simply because it's something that can be applied to all the cars in attendance. Specific mechanical jobs on specific vehicles will not necessarily be of interest to everyone. My .02 cents.

Roger, if you are interested in teaming up for a mega-detail thing LMK. I'd be happy to instruct people on proper use of a high speed wheel & scratch removal. Make it a two part thing; I do the resto and you do the finish?

FYI, as of right now I'm planning to leave Rapid City on Aug. 22nd; that would put me in SE Mich. on the 24th or 25th, depending on how slow the U-Haul is governed So I should be good to go as far as helping with prep work, setup, etc.

May as well start an attendance list now
Huntervf + 1

-Chris 93 ATX SHO Ultra Red Evil ATX clone to Todras 91 SHO plus black/black, work in progress http://www.tri-statesho-svt.org