Originally posted by DuratecDave:
Thanks for the play-by-play action with timeline, there John Madden.

Agreed that it was a good thing your buddy was an EMT, that way he would be able to "make a call".

Why in the world would you call 911 for someone bumping your car? Yeah it sucks that it happened, but not only did you call an emergency number once, you impatient drama queen you called twice?

A) When I called 911 I told them to direct me to someone who can help a hit-n-run with no injuries, and they did. So your precious time was not wasted.

B) When it's nearly 12 AM and I waited almost 90 minutes WHILE I just got done doing a 13 hour day, I would like to think I was very polite considering my real mood. I'm thinking most people, who don't seem to appreciate law enforcement, probably would've done nothing but b!tch and whine, as true to your drama queen impressions I'm sure, about how it took them an hour-and-a-fu(king-half (look no "god" with a lowercase "g"!) to respond to obvious illegal activity. I simply smiled, thanked him for coming and gave him the details. And considering when I calld back they said they didn't have my call on record because it was mis-filed, I'd like to think my resolve would've made Mother Theresa smile. So if I was wearing too much make-up and crying a little too much for your taste... you can eat my ass.... With syrup please.

Sal Khan 00 SVT - Not pretty 00 Aprilia RSV Mille - Also Loved. http://www.thelunchjournals.com "I just want someone I can stand once her mouth is free of obstruction."