I hope your situation pans out better than mine, i had a hit and run, called cops, got police reports, but my insurance wouldn't waive the deductible, even with the police report they basically summed it up as "Pay your $500 deductable, or if you know who did it have their insurance cover it" after that i just wanted to shout "If i knew who did it it wouldn't be a hit and run, it'd be a collision dumbass!"

So I'm still driving around with a cracked rear svt bumper, and have a $500 deduct i can't afford

~Alex Ex- SVT Driver627 MUST SELL!!!LOCAL: Pre-98 MOLDED trunk Polk db speakers Corolla parts LED Underbody Kit PM 2000 Green CSVT gone on 2/17/06 2001 Toyota Corolla (SHE RUNS!!!) 1989 Mustang LX 5.0