Originally posted by ZetecChris:
because the "michigan" people wont allow it.

So then why don't you volunteer to organize SZ? I've been off CEG for awhile but I see everyone still has opinions but no interest in actually doing the work. It was the same **** for SZ01 and 02, so by all means hold it in Fla if that will make you happy. YOU can handle sponsorships, setting up banquets, organizing ALL the events, advertising the convention, working PR to get some decent door prizes for the banquet (unless you just want to spend your own money on them), securing a host hotel, managing details like stickers, shirts, goodie bags, making sure people know the exact dates, making sure people know the event times, making sure people know the location, making sure people pony up the money before deadlines for banquets or event reservations pass and oh yeah, once you do all this work you can still deal with all the people who complain about SZ not being in their backyard yet are unwilling to help out at all.

If that doesn't sound like too much work, then take all that and move it 2000 miles to a part of the country you know absolutely nothing about. Welcome to life as an SZ organizer.

So there you have it... running documentary from someone who handled two of these conventions and got so burnt out that he moved 1100 miles away.

Folks, it's REAL simple here. If SZ is going to be held anywhere else, someone will need to step up and be the main organizer, i.e. the person responsible for everything I just stated and about 1000 other things that go on behind the scenes. I don't think any of the "Michigan" people are really opposed to holding SZ in another location, just don't expect the "Michigan" people to do all the work. It can't happen... someone from another area MUST take the lead role or the convention will be a complete failure.

As I've said, I'll gladly step up and either help with a Great Lakes SZ or take a lead role in a Great Lakes 1 lap SZ. I've done these before so I know what's involved. Anyone else want to step up? Speak now.

Mark, I'd be happy to help in a Ft. Wayne convention. I'll be back to MI in a little over a week. Or, if you don't want to handle it I'd be happy to pick up the slack, just let me know once I get back home

-Chris 93 ATX SHO Ultra Red Evil ATX clone to Todras 91 SHO plus black/black, work in progress http://www.tri-statesho-svt.org