Originally posted by XtrudeHoeing:
Originally posted by Plain ole' todras:
Originally posted by ryan(CF)blacksvt:
ok there toad-ras i wont stfu. what brought you into this anyways there dood? ohh i remember you like to pop your head in everywhere and make waves

Umm because I'm trying to figure out who to buy one from! Holy sh!t! Not rocket science. Made up my mind.

Todd are you going XC1 or XC2? Just wondering since I know you are a tuning Guru and would prefer the datalogging feature plus LCD screen with the diagnostics .

I guess I will take that as a "none of the above", given I am under-educated, a member of "the little people" clan, do not 'thrive on learning new things', and part of the 'Todd's an ass to me cause I deserve it crew'. Sorry my question was so lamely dull and useless. I only put an " " icon to signal an attempt to a normal conversation but coming from a tool of a person that I am, I kinda understand why you didn't respond.