
I'll bet you've helped about 10,000 people with this post. I'd like to become Mr. 10,001.

First off I can't get Apple Quicktime to start the page given on posting etiquette for newbies, so it's impossible right now to go there and learn. I'm aware there's some kind of rule about not asking 'where do I get this, where do I get that' questions, which I don't, uh .....get. (Mine is, 'Where do I get a water pump with metal impeller blades?' and don't kick me out for that, please, I'm just ignorant, not rebellious.) Is the etiquette stuff posted somewhere else that doesn't require Quicktime?

Second, I read instructions on how to get to the chat room which began with 'Highlight your SN ....' I assume SN would be my sign-on name but for the life of me I don't see a location where one would highlight his SN. (Which means you guys are safe at this point from LIVE dumb questions.)

Third, if anybody has a Microsoft Train Simulator program which they are in love with I can tell you all about what it feels like to be in eight throttle dynamic brake because I, uh ....are one, but that's another story.

Fourth how do I become a registered member here?

Fifth, I lost that very valuable post about fixing suspension noise in the rear of Contours (mine is a 2000 2.5 Duratec (71,000), automatic.

And finally,I have only one key to this animal and don't want to pay $100 for another one, which they say is the going price around here. Any workaround for this? Can I change out the ignition assembly with one for which I have two keys and expect it to work, or is the chip too smart to allow such a change?

Now that we've said all that, where's my first cup of Yerba Mate ....