phlop, with 1 guest, bringing chicken and maybe some other stuff
DDV, with no guests, bringing potato salad and chips
Cris'pus, with 1 guest, bringing drinks for later
Bugzuki, with 5 guests, bringing vegetable salad and ranch dressing
1slo30, with ? guests, bringing ?
Jean, with ? guests, bringing ?
auiotour, with 1 guest, Beer or Pop(kinda broke till 30th)
Mark_West, with 1 guest, bringing ?

What time is everyone meeting again?

David how long did it take us to get to the 20 last time. I don't remember.

95 SES Sold 99 SE Sport Sold 99 SVT T-Red Tan Interior. K&N, Magnecors, 19' Theorys, And some audio stuff.