you guys have to realize that people said they wanted the mesh.
i had a list going in the last group buy thread, but since everyone kept bailing or otherwise not replying, i now have three sets left.
thats why i said i technically didnt have any left.

so here is what i will do.

Powder, you are right. one set will go to you, since you asked a bunch of times.
so thats one set sold.
set #2 goes to SVTatGT
and the third set goes to robsdaace (sorry snake, i can't hold for a possibly)

i will give you guys until the end of the week to send me money.
i prefer paypal, if you can't do paypal i will take a money order.
if you are sending a money order, PM me for my address.

gooniedude..i have thre complete sets, i can't break up a set just to give you a piece for your grill, sorry

NY State Trooper: So what makes your car so special to have SVT all over it? Me: Er...It was made by Fords SPECIAL Vehicle Team?