Originally posted by DemonSVT:
Originally posted by Nic_ContourSE99:
You can't stall the engine while coasting. It can stall if you are in 5th gear and going at 5mph, you can't stall it in neutral, with or w/out the clutch depress.

You are completely wrong eh.

The engine most definitely can and will stall when coasting in neutral.

I can vouch for Greg's statement- as I've actually stalled in neutral once.

I was rowing through gears extremely granny style in a parking lot, trying to find a space. Sudeenly a little kid runs out from between some parked cars and I stand on the clutch and brake, screeching to a stop. When the coast was clear, I noticed the engine had stalled. My first thought was that I didn't disengage the clutch fast enough, but then I saw that I wasn't in gear.

For you research/re-creationist guys: I was accelerating slowly from ~10-15 mph, The panic stop occurred mid-shift, I hit the brake & clutch simultaneously. (Yeah, yeah, I know I was probably already pressing the clutch in , since I was in the middle of shifting...) ...And yes, I tore the parent a new one for not paying closer attention to her kid (They were a good 15 feet apart, walking between cars, & the parent was on her cell!)

-Chuck Dienzo Black 98.5 E1 SVT #5022 of 6535 Born on March 16, 1998 "If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason."