Originally posted by All Knowin EvilMushu:
Obie1 asks: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

The answer to this age old question has perplexed people for eons.

Part of the reason the question is so difficult to answer is that the amount of wood that woodchucks would chuck on a given day varies greatly with the seasons and with the metabolisms of any individual woodchuck.

Average amount of wood a woodchuck would chuck in a given day
972 butt cords of wood.

Median amount of wood a woodchuck could chuck in a given hour
80 butt cords of wood.

Record high for woodchuck wood chucking of 2002 butt cords
was attained on 6-15-1996.


All Hail the omnipitent, the all seeing, the soul snacking, sith lord that is MUSHU

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