HEY GUYS....... I have some very sad and depressing news to share with you. My house was broken into tonight Tuesday June 14th, and there was more things than i could count missing. Among things for my contour was an emblem an ALPINE type r 12 sub and my beloved AlPINE 1507 amp with SVT logo. other PERSONAL valuables are in the thousands. My little bros PS2 and rockford fosgate amp. EVEN a family airloom from my father that was given to him on his barmitzvah nearly 50 years ago. I cannot afford this trip anymore as I have many things to replace and repair in my home. DETECTIVES were in my home till 3am interviewing my father and I also looking for prints. THEY DID GET ALOT OF PRINTS!!! hopefully they werent ours and it was the prints of the thief(s). I regret this day because of the woulda coulda shouldas but life is life and scumbags are scumbags. I have a bright future ahead of me and I look forward to replacing everything that was taken eventually. from dvds to cds that ive had for years and years. I just hope my father or I recieve a call in the next few days with a lead or even a suspect. Suddenly your home doesnt feel so safe anymore when its been invaded. SORRY GUYS

I thank GOD on a side note that my little brother is in PERU and no harm came to him. But i would have loved to be here at my house when the intruder(s) bumped into me. CUZ he wouldnt have left alive THATS A FACT.!

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