Originally posted by amarv12:
Originally posted by mean'tour:

Ignorance speaking, but once I have the wheel and caliper off, there is nothing else holding the rotor on right? Nothing on the backside?

Well the caliper bracket....but after that, no nothing.

Originally posted by mean'tour:

Would it be smart to put some Anti-seize or a little bit of grease onto the new rotors backside, might that help them to not be so difficult to remove in future?

Thanks !

Ya, lots on here recommend some anti-seize on all those back surfaces that touch!

if you ever take aprt anything on your car that takes a beating from weather, use anti-seize for sure!, i use it for my seat bolts.

~Alex Ex- SVT Driver627 MUST SELL!!!LOCAL: Pre-98 MOLDED trunk Polk db speakers Corolla parts LED Underbody Kit PM 2000 Green CSVT gone on 2/17/06 2001 Toyota Corolla (SHE RUNS!!!) 1989 Mustang LX 5.0