Originally posted by xchang:
Originally posted by SVT Driver627:
So am i in for a freebie?

Of course. As long as I use the vid in the final vid, you'll get the free DVD or VHS, whichever you want. You have some good vid, I'll be using some of it for sure.

I'll still be awaiting the CDs coming in. And, Rawburt got a hold of me, will be emailing him back here in a minute.

I'm really hoping someone caught the ice cream run, I'm so pissed that my camera screwed up on it, the peoples faces as i went by were hilarious!

~Alex Ex- SVT Driver627 MUST SELL!!!LOCAL: Pre-98 MOLDED trunk Polk db speakers Corolla parts LED Underbody Kit PM 2000 Green CSVT gone on 2/17/06 2001 Toyota Corolla (SHE RUNS!!!) 1989 Mustang LX 5.0