Ok a few things.

Bomz intake is ok for the standard contours. The intake tube is 2.5 inch instead of the traditional 3 inch. The filter is a cheapo type. It is horrible for our SVT's. So it will work for you. Becuase your throttle body is smaller that is why the tube is smaller.

Now other intakes like cosmo is good. I have there intake tube and it works very well with my KKM alittle modding was done, such as a new hole for the iat with a grommit. But now works perfect.

Other than that the only probelm with the intakes off ebay is there filters do a horrible job. Get a new KNN filter to replace that cheap on that you will recieve. Also some maff adaptors suck also. And need cleaning of excess material to smooth out the imperfections of the welds.

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