Originally posted by 98 SE:
Originally posted by SVT Driver627:
Originally posted by todras:
Why does this come up every 3 weeks? NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Completely different. Search newbie!!!!!

Well i wan't quite sure, didn't think of searching, got an instant result didn't I? and todras, i'm not quite a newbie, jsut somewhat ignorant on ocassion

You're sure acting like a newbie right now ... getting defensive over someone telling you to search ... not bothering to search in the first place ...

Had you bothered to search, you could find your answer AND some more detailed information as to WHY it's different.

Well the 2.5 in the probe is a mazda spec motor. We just incorporated into our ford cars after we bought 90% of mazda's stock. Doing so we have been capable of using mazda engines and there copyrights. Since than we took there technology and transformed it into what we have now a duretec. Therefore americans took japanese equipment and just transformed it to our likings. Everything practically is different. It just kinda looks like ours. Also remmber the 1994 ford escort gt, yup that was mazda spec also!!

For everyone else who just replies you are being insuborbanent!! The rules on this site, and you not being a newbie should know this. IS If a questions has been posted before and is a repost please do not flame, I the Coordinator do not want to baby sit you guys from attacking the newbies. Please refrain from atacking others. If you are not to add to the converstion do not add any remakes at all.

So who on this post attacked SvtDriver?? obviously does not know post rules.

I reject your reality and substitute my own.