Originally posted by svt4stv:
update: 118 shots fired, by police only. suspect unarmed.

the news says that Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are on their way to LA now

theorized cop excuse. one officer slipped and fell so other officers thought he was being shot at and unloaded on the suspect/each other.

whats "funny" is that LA Sherrifs claim to be the top dogs in town with far superior training and tactics then LAPD and other area law enforcement agencies. DOH!

um yeah, i dont see this shootout at the OK Corral with bullets striking homes happening in Brentwood.

Umm last time I checked driving your car at a police officer was grounds for deadly force, and when I saw that video thats what I saw... But then again, knowing that wouldn't allow you to bash the cops. Oh, and you can join Al and the other attention whores that are going to start the racism $hit again. I feel bad for the other cops that are going to have to work that area after good ol' Al starts his hate the white people speaches again.

"Moore has also accused the American people of being the stupidest, most naive people on the face of the Earth. And after last weekend, he's got the box office numbers to prove it!"