i saw this on the news last night. they were LA county sherrifs, maybe a CHP or two. from what i saw on the news, i thought there was only one guy in the Tahoe (not suburban) and he was shot four times. (in good condition though).

the moment i first saw that clip go up on the news i noticed how there were cops on both sides of the truck facing each other! i thought, those morons are gonna shoot each other! sure enough, one got hit. didnt pierce his kevlar though. they did rush him to the hospital anyways (for a 9mm round into Kevlar!) they showed him on the news, he was fine.

they said the cops put more bullets into the surrounding homes then into the vehicle. seemed like more than 11 though. there were bullet holes in people's living room windows! what do you expect though. it was in wicky wicky Compton! like the cops care

they showed that one deputy yelling at the cameraman. that was pretty funny. the deputy was like "get outta here! theres shots fired!" and the cameraman was like "no man, im fine!" boy that deputy looked pissed at him.

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.