Originally posted by svt4stv:

$50 is for the computer cut stuff. it obviously cost more due to their having the program. if you were to order just a sheet of of the see through vinyl then the price is listed above (ie $14.95 a foot). im sure this stuff is a bit more expensive then just plain old everyday vinyl. if that's all you want then call them. youre probably looking at around $10 a foot or so (probably less), but i can only guess. a few years back i bought a sheet of red vinyl for my buddy. i believe it was 3 feet. it cost around $20.

In the 1st post you stated this in regards to having them make eyelids...

Originally posted by svt4stv:

other than that, i guess just buy the headlight set and cut them from there. at least the top of the light would already be done for you. if you wanted it in a specific vinyl color just ask them to do headlight covers in that color (solid) and then cut them as you see fit. shouldnt be too hard.

so this is why I said this...

Originally posted by mygameisplatnum:
$50 some bucks to butcher up a set of their covers to make eyelids and a good chance at a slip of the knife? ummm no thanks, I can pick up a sheet of vinyl for a few bucks or a couple pices of scraps for free.

You didnt mention using a ordinary standard piece of vynyl from them to make the eyelids at the beginning...you said to make them from the $50-some covers. That is why I said thats unresonable

Justin 98.5 CSVT # 4887 of 6535 (born 2/28/98)