Originally posted by MxRacerCam:
Originally posted by LilStripedRocket:

MECP certifed 4 years ago in automotive audio, video, and home audio installation. .... So eat your words.

Yup eat my words hmmmm,
Not to be a ass but if your a MECP cert'd installer what level are ya? Also how where you a Master installer at best buy? and if your a cert'd installer how come you where/are working as a porter?
Also if your a mecp installer how come your asking in the audio forum how to do a amp bypass? and many other questions?

I smell something Fishy here.. Could be this Tuna Sammich or it could be something else hmmmmm

Anyone can claim they are something, Ohh heres the best part!!! How are you MECP in home audio? let me spell the words out for ya MOBILE ELECTRONICS certifaction program.